File Download: 84-131



In Re

Complainant: Widow
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 84-131 – February 24, 1986

董事会:Joseph P. Connors, Sr., Chairman; Paul R. Dean, Trustee;, William B. Jordan, Trustee; William Miller, Trustee; Donald E. Pierce, Jr., Trustee.

根据美国煤矿工人联合会(“UMWA”)1950年福利计划和信托的第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, the Trustees have reviewed the facts and circumstances of this dispute concerning the provision of health and other non-pension benefits for the dependents of a deceased Employee under the terms of the Employer Benefit Plan.

Background Facts

In November 1984, the Respondent suspended the Complainant’s husband with the intent to discharge him on the grounds of excessive absenteeism. 被投诉人随后与投诉人的丈夫签订了“最后机会协议”, but again suspended him with the intent to discharge in August 1985 for the alleged violation of said agreement.

On August 26, 1985, 申诉人的丈夫提出申诉,仲裁聆讯于9月6日举行, 1985. 在他9月11日的书面决定中, 1985, 仲裁员确认解除,生效日期为9月9日, 1985.

申诉人的丈夫于1985年11月11日在一次车祸中丧生. The Complainant has stated that she should be entitled to health benefits coverage and death benefits for herself and her husband’s two children.

The Respondent has denied responsibility for the provision of health benefits coverage and death benefits for the Complainant and her husband’s two children stating that their eligibility for such benefits terminated on September 9, 1985, 投诉人的丈夫被解除在被投诉人的职务的日期.


Is the Respondent responsible for the provision of health benefits coverage and death benefits for the Complainant and for the children of her deceased husband?

Position of the Parties

Position of the Complainant: The Complainant asks that the Respondent be found responsibility for the provision of health benefits coverage and death benefits for herself and for the children of her deceased husband.

Position of the Respondent: The Respondent is not responsible for the provision of health and other non-pension benefits for the Complainant and her deceased husband’s children because the husband was discharged on September 9, 1985, and was not an ‘Active Employee’ within the meaning of the Employer Benefit Plan at the time of his death on November 11, 1985.

Pertinent Provisions


Article I – Definitions


(1) “雇主”指(煤炭公司).

(2) “工资协议”指1984年《官方网站》, 如不时修订及任何后续协议.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, 有资格获得本协议项下的福利.

(7) “受抚养人”系指本协议第二条D节所述的任何人.

Article II A. (1) and E. 《官方网站》第(1)、(2)及(3)项规定:

Article II – Eligibility


A. Active Employees


(1) 在工资协议生效之日为雇主积极工作*….
*积极工作的雇员包括在9月30日积极工作的雇主雇员, 1985, and who returns to active work with the Employer two weeks after the effective date of the Wage Agreement.

E. 已故雇员或退休人员的尚存配偶及受养人

Health benefits under Article III shall be provided to (i) any unmarried surviving spouse (who was living with or being supported by the Employee or Pensioner immediately prior to the Employee’s or Pensioner s death) and (ii) such spouse’s unmarried surviving dependent children as defined in subparagraphs (2) and (5) of paragraph D, 雇员或领取退休金人士的死亡∶

(1) As a result of a mine accident occurring on or after the effective date of the Plan while the Employee was working in a classified job for the Employer;

(2) Under conditions which qualify such spouse for a Surviving Spouse benefit under the 1974 Pension Plan or any successor thereto;

(3) At a time when such Employee or Pensioner is entitled to receive health benefits pursuant to paragraph A, B, or C of this Article II, provided that (i) if such Employee or Pensioner died prior to the effective date of the Wage Agreement and the spouse is not eligible for a Surviving Spouse’s benefit, then only for the period that the spouse is eligible to receive death benefits in installment payments pursuant to paragraph C of Article III, or (ii) if such Employee or Pensioner died on or after the effective date of the Wage Agreement and the spouse is not eligible for a Surviving Spouse s benefit and life insurance benefit; or death benefits are payable in a lump sum, then only for 60 months following the month of the death of such Employee or only for 22 months following the month of death of such Pensioner. 如果人寿保险赔偿金不支付, 健康福利只提供到雇员或养恤金领取人死亡的那个月的月底.

Article III B. (1), C. (1) and (2) and D. (1) (e)雇主福利计划规定:

Article III – Benefits

B. 人寿及意外死亡及伤残保险

(1) Active Employees

公司将为员工提供人身、意外死亡和伤残保险, as described in Article II, Sections A and C(3)….

C. Death Benefits

(1) 1977年12月6日前死亡

对于截至12月5日仍在领取抚恤金的案件,应继续支付死亡抚恤金, 1977, 根据1974年福利计划, 供已故雇员及退休人士使用, 谁的最后一次机密工作是在雇主那里, 以同样的方式和同样的数量, 如1974年福利计划所规定.

(2) 1977年12月5日以后和1978年3月27日以前的死亡人数

死亡抚恤金应支付给在12月6日及12月6日之间死亡的人, 1977, 在3月27日之前, 1978, 适用于最后受雇于雇主的雇员及退休人员, 以及截至12月5日参加1974年福利计划的人, 1977, 以同样的方式和同样的数量, 如1974年福利计划所规定.

D. General Provisions

(1) Continuation of Coverage

(e) Quit or Discharge

如果员工辞职(任何原因)或被解雇, health, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险将于最后工作日期终止. An Employee who ceases work and will be found to be eligible for health benefits as a retiree on the first of the month subsequent to the date on which he last worked shall be eligible for benefits without interruption as provided by the Plan from the date he last worked.


Article I (4) of the Employer Benefit Plan defines an “Employee” as “any person working in a classified job for the Employer, 有资格获得本协议项下的福利.” Article II A. (1) of the Plan provides health benefits coverage for any Employee who is actively at work for the Employer on the effective date of the Wage Agreement.

Article II E. of the Employer Benefit Plan provides health benefits coverage to the surviving spouse and eligible dependents who were living with or being supported by an Employee. Article III B. (I) provides life and accidental death insurance in the event of the death of an Employee and Article III C. 本计划为已故雇员提供死亡抚恤金.

Article III D. (1) (e)雇主福利计划规定,如果员工辞职或被解雇, health, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险将于最后工作日期终止. 申诉人的丈夫于9月9日正式出院, 因此,自该日期起,他不再是本计划第I(4)条所定义的“雇员”. Eligibility of the surviving spouse and dependents for health and other non-pension benefits is contingent upon the eligibility of the deceased.

Therefore, 投诉人的资格, 还有那些受抚养的孩子, ceased on September 9, 1985, the date the Complainant’s husband was discharged and ceased to satisfy the definition of “Employee” as set forth in Article I (4) of the Employer Benefit Plan. The Respondent is therefore not responsible for the provision of health benefits coverage and death benefits for the Complainant and the dependents of her deceased husband.

Opinion of Trustees

The Respondent is not responsible for the provision of health and other non-pension benefits for the Complainant and the dependents of her deceased husband.

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